BARRO | Mafalda Deville / Companhia Instável | 2017

photos with copyright
BARRO is a show created on the initiative of the municipal theaters of Bragança and Vila Real, within the scope of the Algures a Nordeste project.
It is a dance/theater show built from the clay of Bisalhães (Vila Real) and the clay of Pinela (Bragança) assumed by the Companhia Instável and with artistic direction of Mafalda Deville.
It is a dance/theater show built from the clay of Bisalhães (Vila Real) and the clay of Pinela (Bragança) assumed by the Companhia Instável and with artistic direction of Mafalda Deville.
Direction | Mafalda Deville / Companhia Instável
Musical composition| Rui Rodrigues / Drumming
Musical interpretation and consultancy | Drumming
Artistic assistance | Ricardo Machado
Scenography and vídeo | Israel Pimenta
Technical direction and light design | Ricardo Alves
Interpretation | Beatriz Valentim, Duarte Valadares, Inês Galrão, Liliana Oliveira, Michael de Haan e Sabrina Gargano + intérpretes da comunidade local
Executive production | Rita Santos
Consultancy | João Ribeiro da Silva
Co-production | Teatro Municipal de Vila Real / Teatro Municipal de Bragança / Companhia Instável
Musical composition| Rui Rodrigues / Drumming
Musical interpretation and consultancy | Drumming
Artistic assistance | Ricardo Machado
Scenography and vídeo | Israel Pimenta
Technical direction and light design | Ricardo Alves
Interpretation | Beatriz Valentim, Duarte Valadares, Inês Galrão, Liliana Oliveira, Michael de Haan e Sabrina Gargano + intérpretes da comunidade local
Executive production | Rita Santos
Consultancy | João Ribeiro da Silva
Co-production | Teatro Municipal de Vila Real / Teatro Municipal de Bragança / Companhia Instável